Carroll FifeCarroll Fife is an on-the-ground organizer, educator, mother and 20-year resident of Oakland. She has served as co-founder and co-chair of the Oakland Alliance, Oakland Justice Coalition, and the Community Ready Corps where she works to create racial justice and increase access to quality jobs, housing, and education for those who need them most.
Carroll is the founder of Black Women in Elected Leadership PAC and an elected member of the Oakland NAACP’s Executive Committee. In 2014, she served as the Campaign Coordinator for a mayoral race that became the City's political compass and in 2016 she ran Oakland’s first African American, all-female slate. Carroll was a Sanders delegate to the 2016 Democratic National Convention Platform Committee where she held the line for radical, grassroots values. Carroll believes that wherever power is being expressed, the people must be able to express power and sees community organizing as central to that effort. She currently serves as Director of the Oakland/San Francisco Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE). Carroll has contributed to the following wins: