Leroy MooreLeroy F. Moore Jr., is Founder of the Krip-Hop Nation (a movement that addresses ableism, or discrimination against disabled artists, esp. Black musicians marginalized because of racism AND ableism internationally) and the cofounder of Sins Invalid. Moore is an activist, writer, poet, rapper, feminist, and radio programmer. Moore wrote for I.D.E.A.L. Magazine, and since the 1990s, has written the column "Illin-N-Chillin" for POOR Magazine.
His books include the spoken-word CD, a children’s book, Black Disabled Art History 101 that was published in 2017 by Xochitl Justice Press. His poetry/lyrics book, The Black Kripple Delivers Poetry & Lyrics has been published by Poetic Matrix Press in the Winter of 2015. Moore is writing a Krip-Hop graphic Novel under Poor Press and is working with Juba Kalamka on a full length album. Moore has won many awards for his advocacy, from the San Francisco Mayor’s Disability Council under Willie L. Brown to the Local Hero Award in 2002 from Public Television Station, KQED in San Francisco. As a youth, Moore discovered that most people had little knowledge of the historical impact of disabled African Americans. This led him to begin research, initially in the music industry, and to promote artists with disabilities for broader inclusion. Moore is a leading activist on issues of wrongful incarceration and police brutality against people with disabilities. He writes, lectures, and performs about race and disability issues both in the United States and abroad. Moore is one of the founding member of National Black Disability Coalition. Moore has traveled to S Korea for the Para-Olympics and for the 2014 DaDa Fest Krip-Hop Nation UK Tour, as well as to South Africa, Canada, Mexico, and elsewhere, networking internationally with other disabled activists and artists. Moore has interviewed hip-hop\soul\blues\jazz artists with disabilities; the Blind Boys of Alabama, Jazz elder Jimmy Scott, Hip-Hop star, Wonder Mike of the Sugar Hill Gang, DJ Quad of LA, Paraplegic MC of Chicago, Rob DA Noize Temple of New York to name a few. Leroy has a poetry CD, entitled Black Disabled Man with a Big Mouth & A High I.Q. and has put out his poetry CDs entitled The Black Kripple Delivers Krip Love Mixtape (2014) & Krip-Blues Stories (2017). Born in 1967 with cerebral palsy in NYC, Leroy Moore, Jr. was blessed to have a conscious, activist father & mother who instilled a strong sense of identity as a Black and disabled youngster. |