Sima SavdhariaSima Savdharia is a formally trained trilingual Mediator, Kingian Nonviolence trainer, and Restorative Justice practitioner, with a wealth of experience working in the realm of conflict transformation.
She is a graduate of USF’s “Urban Education and Social Justice” M.A. program and The East Bay Meditation Center’s “Practice in Transformative Action” program. Her professional experiences include working as a classroom educator, being a Mediator and Case Manager for SEEDS Community Resolution Center, and consulting for various community based organizations across the bay area and California. She is also an independent contractor with The Ahimsa Collective where she has been trained to facilitate VODs (Victim Offender Dialogues), support the RJC (Restorative Justice in Community) program, and the REALIZE (an alternative approach to intimate partner violence) program at Valley State Prison. Sima strives to bring a gentle candor and pro-peoples analysis to all that she does. |